What is an ita bag?
If you're a fan of anime merch and/or a pin collector, you might have heard of "ita bags" before. What is an ita bag? How do you build one? What...
What is an ita bag?
If you're a fan of anime merch and/or a pin collector, you might have heard of "ita bags" before. What is an ita bag? How do you build one? What...

How To: Put enamel pins together on an itabag
All Things Ita bag! There is really no right or wrong way to style your itabag. The original style is geared towards one particular character, however don't let that stop...
How To: Put enamel pins together on an itabag
All Things Ita bag! There is really no right or wrong way to style your itabag. The original style is geared towards one particular character, however don't let that stop...

How To: Set up your Enamel Pins for Photography
How To: Set up your Enamel Pins for Photography I have recently changed my setup for photography. Damn it's not pretty but it works! The absolute KEY to producing a...
How To: Set up your Enamel Pins for Photography
How To: Set up your Enamel Pins for Photography I have recently changed my setup for photography. Damn it's not pretty but it works! The absolute KEY to producing a...

New Enamel Pins Coming Soon!
Wait for these cuties to arrive in the shop!!
New Enamel Pins Coming Soon!
Wait for these cuties to arrive in the shop!!

Pin Attachements
QUICK Recommendation: Affordable: Rubber (middle) Best: Locking Back
Pin Attachements
QUICK Recommendation: Affordable: Rubber (middle) Best: Locking Back

Soft Enamel vs Hard Enamel Pins
One is not better than the other! It is all about personal preference.
Soft Enamel vs Hard Enamel Pins
One is not better than the other! It is all about personal preference.